A new website is coming!

Heads up, everyone! I have a new website on the way, and this blog will be disappearing.

Or rather, it will be changing shape to work with the new infrastructure. I can save a handful of posts, but most of the archives won’t be coming with us. I’ve had a brief chat to the support team at my next destination, and they said they don’t currently have plans to improve their blogging facilities, but anything is possible in the land of tech. They may eventually add workable features someday.

For the foreseeable future, the best way to get updates from me will be through my email newsletter.

For staunch RSS lovers

If you’re a staunch lover of RSS feeds, don’t despair! I see you 👀

There are services out there that’ll let you convert your newsletter subscriptions to RSS feeds for easier reading. To name a few: Zapier, RSS.app, Feedbin, and Kill the Newsletter!.

Thanks for your patience and support!